Posted by: Hallie | August 16, 2009

Meeting the Challenges

Here we are, another Sunday night! Did this weekend go by way too fast for anyone else? I was so busy between getting ready for camping, working out, and spending the night at my friend’s house to avoid the fantasy-football craziness (I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one whose boyfriend/hubby is into that stuff hard-core).

Tonight, I spent some time planning my meals and snacks for next week’s camping trip. I’m not sure I’ll stick to it 100%, but the more prepared I can be, the less likely I’ll find myself in a situation where I can’t follow my diet plan. After my first weigh-in went so well, I’m really committed to keeping it up as much as I can.

This morning, I had a lovely Sunday breakfast that was bootcamp-diet approved. Today, we were supposed to have 2 whole-grain waffles with sugar-free syrup, 4 slices of turkey bacon, and a banana. I didn’t have any waffles and I refuse to buy yucky fake syrup, so here’s what I came up with:

french toast fruit bacon

  • Two slices of sprouted-barley bread (<3 Trader Joes!)
  • French toast mixture: 1 egg white, splash unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, stevia
  • Half a banana (I ate the first half before my run this morning)
  • 3 slices turkey bacon (it’s SO not real bacon, but I like it anyway)

I think this breakfast shows that even if you’re watching your calories or trying to lose weight, you can still enjoy satisfying, tasty meals! I cooked the French toast in Pam and topped it with one “fake food” I just can’t give up: butter spray. I know it’s terrible, but I love it so.

Did you catch that I RAN this morning? On my “day off” from bootcamp? Yessir! I didn’t sleep well last night (my friend’s kitty thought it’d be fun to walk all over me all night long) but I put my workout clothes on first thing and just went. I took Nina with me to get her exercise and she usually really slows me down. Today I was very happy with my 3 miles in 34 minutes with the dog, little sleep, and not having run for 2 weeks. Maybe I will rock that 10k after all…it’s not until early November so I have time, but I need to start hitting the pavement again.

I have two days of work, and three bootcamps and then it’s time for  vacation! I’m excited to spend 6 days away from my desk, to spend some quality time with my sweetie, to see the Grand Canyon, to see our friend who lives in Arizona, and I’m even looking forward to taking on the challenge of keeping up with my program while very much outside my routine.

What are you excited for this week?


  1. Don’t you worry, I’m still hooked to some “fake foods” as well, but I have given up my spray butter, which actually was not as hard as I thought it would be! I still use sugar free syrup though…

    I’m looking forward to a wedding I’m going to on Friday, it should be a really good time!

  2. Haha… I accidentally kinda stole your questions “What are you excited for this week” on my blog this morning! I promise I didn’t read yours until after I hit publish! lol. Great minds think alike?!

  3. have fun at the grand canyon! that’s where my hubby proposed to me 7 years ago!!!

  4. TJ’s sprouted bread is so yums!! I havent had french toast in WAYY too long!! 🙂

  5. I’ve never tried turkey bacon before, but I do love regular bacon 😉 And I did catch that you ran! That’s awesome! I’m doing my first 10k at the end of September. I have yet to run that distance, but I’m super stoked about it!

    I’m moving in exactly two weeks, so from here on out my life is going to be a little hectic!! :/

  6. Nice job remixing your breakfast!

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